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Bradley Davis Wins Janet B. Royster Memorial Staff Scholarship

The NC State Staff Senate announced last week that District 24 Senator Bradley Davis was one of eight University of North Carolina System-wide winners of the Janet B. Royster Memorial Staff Scholarship — and the only recipient from NC State. 

In addition to his role in the Staff Senate, Davis is the associate director of the Office of Student Conduct. He joined the Office of Student Conduct in 2017 after serving as the assistant dean of students at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He earned his bachelor of science degree in kinesiology as well as his master of education degree in college student personnel administration from James Madison University. Prior to his work in conduct, Davis served in various roles within Residence Life and Campus Recreation. Bradley is an advisor to the Student Conduct Board and serves as an administrative hearing officer.

The purpose of the Janet B. Royster Memorial Staff Scholarship Fund is to provide scholarship(s) to full-time, permanent non-faculty employees who are taking either undergraduate or graduate level courses at an accredited institution of higher education, or enrolled in approved short courses, licensure, certificate or continuing education programs that supports staff development. The scholarship was established in memory of Janet B. Royster, a UNC-TV employee who provided important leadership, knowledge and dedication to the UNC Staff Assembly.

The next application cycle starts in August. Learn more here.