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Extraordinary Difference: Nick Drake

On Dec. 31, 2021, NC State’s five-year Think and Do the Extraordinary Campaign came to an incredibly successful close. Alumni, friends, employees and more helped propel the university well past its goal of $1.6 billion for a grand total of $2,103,932,120. These new funds will help drive NC State’s land-grant mission of creating economic, societal and intellectual prosperity for all by both reaffirming its commitment to broad educational opportunity and powering its cutting-edge, hands-on innovation as North Carolina’s leading science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) university.

NC State’s military and veteran population has been particularly benefited by this historic fundraising effort. Nick Drake is director of the university’s Jeffrey Wright Military and Veteran Services, as well as a veteran himself. With help from the Think and Do the Extraordinary Campaign, he leads the initiative supporting others in making the transition from the military to college graduation and beyond.

“With alignment of [Jeffrey Wright Military and Veteran Services] with the campaign, it’s allowed us to be really intentional about establishing needed programs and looking ahead to what potential need there might be for private support,” Drake said.

To read more stories of campaign success, visit our Think and Do the Extraordinary page.