Fyfe Publishes Article on Writing with AI
Paul Fyfe, associate professor for the Department of English, recently published an article on writing with AI in AI & Society (2022). The article is entitled “How to Cheat on Your Final Paper: Assigning AI for Student Writing.”
In addition to his role in the English department, Fyfe teaches the HON seminar, HON 202: Data and the Human. In fact, the article was inspired by an activity Fyfe conducted with his students in this course. As part of a class experiment, Fyfe assigned his students to “cheat” on their final class essay by requiring their use of text-generating AI software. For the assignment, students harvested content from an installation of GPT-2, then wove that content into their final essay. At the end, students offered a “revealed” version of the essay as well as their own reflections on the experiment. Read Fyfe’s entire article on the University Libraries website: https://link-springer-com.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/article/10.1007/s00146-022-01397-z
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