9 Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health This Month
Identify a calming routine or activity that you can turn to in times of anxiety or stress.
Sometimes you just need to take a step back from whatever has you stressed and do something else. Find something that doesn’t have to take too much time but can help you roll back some of your stress. It could be something like meditating, doing a crossword puzzle or even just reading a few pages from a book; find what works for you.
Mix up your daily routine in small ways.
Making little changes to our daily routines can make our days a little more exciting and is super easy to do. You can try a new workout you haven’t done before, attempt a new recipe for dinner or maybe study at a new location. They may seem like small insignificant changes but they can add up to making your day just a little bit better.
Find the best way to listen to yourself.
Everyone needs an outlet for getting their thoughts out and processing everything. Whether it’s through writing, drawing or working out, find a way to tend to your interior monologue and express yourself. You might find that you approach stressful situations more clearly and prepared.
Help someone out or support a cause that is important to you.
Whether it’s volunteering at a local animal shelter or helping a friend move into a new apartment, you’ll feel better. Research shows that volunteering keeps people mentally active and even sharpens their memory!
Get rid of the things you no longer need.
Oftentimes, stress and clutter go hand in hand and once you reduce one you will likely reduce the other. Try donating some old clothes, deleting unnecessary emails or just clean your room a little. The little things you do to declutter your life can go a long way for your mental well-being.
Find a type of exercise you enjoy.
We all know working out helps our bodies physically but you may underestimate how much exercise can help you mentally. Research shows exercise helps reduce stress, increase attention spans and boost energy levels!
Prioritize your rest.
In college, it often seems like sleep deprivation is the norm but it shouldn’t be for anyone. Sleeping seven to eight hours every night helps people better retain memories, think creatively and have significantly lower stress levels. Your sleep should be a priority.
Set realistic short-term goals.
Setting short term goals and working toward them can help boost your motivation and bring clarity to your thoughts. They don’t have to be difficult to accomplish and can enhance your self-confidence!
Step back from social media.
Social media can have an enormous impact on the way we view our own lives. Studies show that excess involvement on social media leads to lower self-esteem, negative comparisons of one’s self to others on social media, decreased ability to concentrate and even worsens your sleep-efficiency! Strengthen your mental health by avoiding checking your feed before bed or even limiting the number of times you check social media throughout the day.
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