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#PACKINACTION: A Journey to Self Improvement.

Meet Diane Hunter, the 30 day #PACKINACTION photo challenge winner. PACKINACTION is her lifestyle, born out of her journey of self-improvement. It is one that has left her feeling “healthy and capable.” This is not a routine that starts and stops periodically. She lives a life dedicated to seeking personal improvement in and out of the gym. Currently pursuing a Ph.D., she challenges herself physically and academically. Hunter finds balance by engaging in activities such as walking her dog, going to the beach and enjoying healthy food while splurging on occasion.

#PACKINACTION is a broad statement whose meaning is collectively defined by the Wolfpack community. Everyone helps shape its meaning with their own passions and pursuits. Hunter adopted and personalized the phrase #PACKINACTION

This incredible life transformation took off during her sophomore year at NC state. It began after her required physical education courses gave her more than a grade. They set her on a new journey geared toward health and wellness. “I had gotten a taste of what it felt like to be active, and I enjoyed it,” she says. From that moment, physical activity was an important part of her daily life. From her sophomore year to graduation in 2013 she devoted her time in the Carmichael Complex to the elliptical and weight machines. She continued her workout routine after graduation and into her first year of teaching.

According to Hunter, “I was starting to feel healthy and capable. It was the best feeling that I could imagine even though I felt that I had so much further to go.”

Luckily, Hunter worked in an environment where her co-workers encouraged a physically active community and supported one another in their individual goals. During Diane’s first year of teaching, her co-workers decided to complete an obstacle race during the spring semester of her first year of teaching. She remembers the race as a “wonderful experience.” It motivated her to seek out ways to improve her performance. During this time, her workouts consisted primarily of cardio and some weights to increase her obstacle race performance and endurance.

A change in diet proved to be instrumental in her journey. “A typical lunch for me was pretzels, peanut butter and an apple.”  She quickly realized this was not a meal that would provide her body with the nutrients it needed, and began teaching herself how to cook. Her Instagram account displays how meal prepping enables her to replenish her body throughout the week.

Learning how to cook, placing emphasis on eating proper amounts of each food group and giving up soda pushed Hunter past her plateau. Eating well also continues to help her feel better overall. “I find that if my diet is on point, I feel better and am more likely to feel good lifting.”  

Now, strength training is at the core of Hunter’s workout routine. Returning to NC State in 2016 as a Ph.D. student, she decided to focus on powerlifting movements to lose fat and build lean muscle. She does not allow her grip strength, which is hindered from a previous elbow injury, to prevent her from pursuing her goal.

If you ever miss Diane in the weight room you might find her switching up her workout on Miller Fields. She often brings a deck of cards with her to add spontaneity to her routine. In this workout, each card in the deck represents a specific type and number of an exercise to perform. A shuffle of the deck creates a randomized workout routine typically finished in 30 minutes.

Hunter wants her story to convey that this lifestyle is a balance. It is enjoying ice cream, trying out the new restaurant and most importantly doing things you enjoy. There are three lessons Hunter shares to help the Wolfpack community on their #PACKINACTION journey:

  1. Don’t go hungry. Fuel your body with good food.
  2. You can change your path and take a step in the right direction.
  3. Find alternative ways to measure success.

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