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Intramural Sports Life-Sized Game Series kicks off with Angry Birds

Have you ever wanted to immerse yourself in the virtual world of your favorite video game or smartphone application? The Intramural Life-Sized Game Series gives students the opportunity to do just that.

The series kicked off on Friday, Feb.24 with Life-Sized Angry Birds. The courts of Carmichael Gym transformed into the world of the popular smartphone application with cardboard boxes and green lantern “pigs” serving as the backdrop for the game.

Teams of 3-4 used slingshots and dodge balls to knock down as many boxes and pigs as possible in the time allotted. Drew Davenport, a student who took part in the game, noted that game was more difficult than he had initially thought. “I liked that the game provided a challenge, it made the game more interesting.” From stretching the slingshot as far back as possible to lying on the floor to get the perfect angle, Davenport’s team took many different approaches in an attempt to complete each level. While Angry Birds is a more unconventional intramural sport, both teams who participated seemed to have a blast nonetheless as they laughed through missed shots and celebrated the ones that reached their target.

“Our goal with these events is to be more inclusive and provide more opportunities for different types of students to participate at University Recreation,” Sports Programs Assistant Laura Gigliotti notes. Those who participated in the Angry Birds event seemed to appreciate the fact that University Recreation was attempting to reach a broader audience. Participant Lily Wooster was excited when she heard about the Life-Sized series seeing as it was something different. “This series of games interests people because it is something that is just a really unique and funny concept.”

If you want to be a part of the Life Sized-Game Series check out the upcoming events on our calendar. The next game in the series is Mario Kart on March 24. Registration opened Feb. 27 and will be open through March 23. You can register on or the REC*IT app.