Technician Highlights Plan to Remodel Carmichael Complex
The March 5 edition of the Technician highlighted the 25-year Recreational Sports Master Plan for remodeling the Carmichael Complex that will begin this fall. The goal is to make the facility more modern and meet the standards of a large university. The Master Plan highlights changes necessary to increase the functionality of the facility and make it more open and modern.
University Recreation wanted to make sure that the changes being implemented really focused on what the students want to get out of such a facility. To make this possible, the department sent out surveys to the student body and held “Visioning Sessions” to gather ideas from the students. Student Body President Rusty Mau said, “This is the right way to approach student fees and student expenditures and developments for students”.
The first part of the project will include the renovation of the locker rooms, addressing maintenance problems, and creating an addition to the complex. For more information about the Carmichael Addition Project click here, and for the Locker Room Renovation Project click here.
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